Getting Into It

I have always been more in to lipstick and fashion and I actually only went on the initial pilgrimage because my dad wanted to take me. He is not particularly religious either, but he likes the comradery of the whole thing it is very communal and family-oriented. Now we go on these things together all the time, and do things like travel to Israel. He takes pictures and I write about it.

Doing Business

I do not even pretend to be emotionally involved in religion, but that surprisingly does not bother my readers, which is actually really nice. It just means I can be more authentic and talk about each experience as an outsider without any emotional connection to what is going on. I literally tell it like it is, and I think my readers really appreciate my honesty especially when it comes to holy land tours.

Above And Beyond

I wouldd really like to take my blog, Wow Factor travel, to new heights with sponsored content, so I am really working on building up my readership and making that happen for myself. Since I just finished high school, I feel as though the world is my oyster and I can take my business wherever I like. My dad is invested in it, but he knows I will eventually take off on my own, and he is ok with that.

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